"". Linda Sparkman's Blog: I'm a Crackin'

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm a Crackin'

I am a writer, I am a writer, I am…  Oh, fiddle.  Is there another fabulous writer who has been working on a book or two over forty years?  I’m thinking, "Yes."  If not, please don’t disillusion me.  However, life-spans being what they are, I’d better get crackin’.

Which brings me to eggs, that we must crack, which leads nicely into the book I am going to finish, I say, finish this year.  I've titled it “Feeding Human Beings”, and yes, silly, it actually is about making food for people—oddly enough.

Do I care that I've just let the zillions of followers I have know the title of this upcoming thriller?  No.  Now, the old me would have talked herself entirely out of letting you, my faithful reader, in on the scoop. I’d think, “Dear me, now no publisher will want it.  I've spoiled everything.” Ad nauseum. 

The reason I’m mentioning this now is because I've put the ol’ foot down, and will no longer listen to whoever-it-is that has been discouraging me.  The world needs this book!  Well, I can tell you there will be lots of youngish people who will be happy they get their hands on it.

It’s not a traditional type cook-book, oops,  I've said too much. 

In any case….keep on the lookout for the revolutionary approach to feeding (you know what).

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